Chanute city commissioners heard this week that Advanced System Homes received a $650,000 grant to fund development of apartments in the city.
Darin Luebbering, owner of Advanced System Homes, discussed the matter with city commissioners. He said commissioners approved a resolution in November to allow him to seek the grants from the state. He recently received notice that his project was awarded a $650,000 grant and tax credits for the project.
The total project will cost $5.5 to $6 million and will be on 28th Street behind Walmart and east of El Pueblito.
“I’m very excited. It’s going to be a great, great addition to Chanute, and a much needed housing piece of the puzzle that we’ve got,” Luebbering said.
Engineering work will soon begin and he said he is in the middle of talking with lenders. He said a lot of puzzle pieces came together to allow the project to happen. He is hoping the city will work with him in getting utilities to the site.
“It’s a big project. And without all these funds and all the help we can get from the city, it doesn’t work,” Luebbering said.
He hopes the construction will begin in late summer or early fall and be completed in mid-2026.
Lueberring said the complex will be a community of its own, with a walking path around the buildings, offering unique socialization opportunities. Residents would be within walking distance of Walmart and Labette Health’s clinic, he said.
He said he’s working on another grant opportunity as well.
In other matters, the commission: heard about St. Patrick’s Day events in Chanute this weekend, including breakfast at the Masonic Temple, a shamrock run and a pub crawl.