FUNDRAISER FOR CONNOR: Connor Aikins, a second-grader in Chanute, has been accepted into the National Institutes of Health trials to help conquer severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Connor was born with the condition, which leaves him with virtually no immune system. At 4 weeks old, he received a stem cell transplant and remained infection free for several years, until the partial immune system he was given started to dwindle. For the last several years, he has been living with frequent infections while being told he is too healthy for further treatments. His family researched treatment methods, and after several years of communication, Connor was accepted into a gene therapy trial at NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. A recent fundraiser for Connor and his family raised $2,405. Connor and his family received the proceeds on Friday, Feb. 28. Pictured are (from left) Remy Carter, Jack Romine, Connor Aikins, Greyson Hunt, Maci Romine and Rowen Hunter. Courtesy photo