HUMBOLDT — The city of Humboldt received $3 million of $26 million made available from the Kansas Water Office’s grant program that was announced last week.
The money will be used for possible cost overruns in a project that will replace 100,000 feet of the water distribution lines in the city with fused poly pipe, as well as update the water treatment plant and rehabilitate the city’s three water towers, including the iconic witch hat style tower built in 1905 in downtown Humboldt that stores 75,000 gallons of water. New water meters will be in place as well that can be read at city hall.
Humboldt has 845 water meters. Humboldt City Administrator Cole Herder said funding for the project has been in place about 2.5 years and totals $13 million from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and USDA’s Rural Development. He calls the KDHE portion of that a construction loan that is paid to the city as the project proceeds through completion. At the end of the project, Rural Development will pay the KDHE loan and the city will repay Rural Development over 40 years at 2% interest.
“I felt really, really blessed that we got that large of a portion when hundreds of projects applied and weren’t awarded anything,” he told the Tribune about the KWO funding. The asks for the grant funding this round were about $237 million, he said, and only 10% of those asks were funded and Humboldt will receive about 10% of the $27 million.
“I feel like we really landed this one.” He said the KWO grant cannot be used to pay down the current project and perhaps reduce the amount the city’s water rates will have to increase to pay for the work. Instead, the money can be used for cost overruns or possible alternates depending on what the bids are. Cost estimates were done more than two years ago and funded at that rate, so the project is expected to cost more because of material and labor increases seen in recent years.
Herder said he’s working on getting the final easements in place for the new water distribution lines. He expects the project to go to bid in 30 to 60 days.
Water rate increases are planned to help pay the debt. Residential customers now pay about $55 for 5,000 gallons of water in a month. That rate will go up to about $78 for 5,000 gallons in March. Herder said city staff and city council members will see how these rate increases do toward paying the debt from the project before deciding on future rate increases.
See WATER, Page 2.
during Humboldt’s water system improvement program.
Herder said originally the recommendation was to raze the 1905 water tower because of the ongoing maintenance costs. But that tower provides several hours worth of water in the city.
“Plus it’s kind of iconic. Half of the tourism data, pictures and things out there, have a picture of that old witch hat type of water tower,” Herder said, so the tower will be rehabbed during the project. Construction of the tower cost the city about $3,600 in 1905.
He said construction will take 18 to 24 months once it begins. Other area towns receiving money from this round of funding: Technical assistance grant: West Mineral, $33,000; Parsons, $92,000; Montgomery County RWD No. 9, $55,000; Wilson County RWD No. 4, $39,700.
Water project grants: Bartlett, $416,310; West Mineral, $664,000; Girard, $1,289,800.
“Water is vital to the livelihood of our communities and Kansans,” Gov. Laura Kelly said in announcing the funding. “This funding is a crucial step in addressing pressing water issues to safeguard our water supply for generations to come.”
In 2023, Senate Substitute for House Bill 2302 increased the amount of state funding for the State Water Plan Fund (SWPF) and created two new water related grant funds: the Technical Assistance Grant Fund and Water Projects Grant Fund. In the first year, 34 municipalities and special districts related to water were rewarded $18 million.
“The expansion of the State Water Plan to include support for municipalities and water districts continues to be a critical component towards ensuring communities across the state have access to a reliable supply of clean water,” said Sen. Kenny Titus, Kansas Senate District 18, in the governor’s release.
The grant program received over 300 applications in its first year, and an additional $10 million was provided in 2024 through the Legislature to address the high demand for funding.
“We are grateful for the Legislature and Governor Kelly for approving this additional funding,” said Connie Owen, director of the Kansas Water Office. “We received a large number of applications again this year. This funding is necessary to Kansas communities.”
Over 270 communities applied for the 2024 funding period, requesting a total of $237 million. Thirty-nine technical assistance grants and 24 water projects grants were awarded to 70 communities and special districts related to water.
“Our small agricultural towns are the lifeblood of our state,” said Sen. Rick Billinger, Kansas Senate District 40. “And this funding will help these communities have the clean and affordable water access they need to thrive.”
“I am so pleased to see the list of rural communities and rural water districts across Kansas that have been awarded grants to mitigate their specific water issues,” said Rep. Lisa Moser, Kansas House District 106. “Water is the lifeblood of our state. Without it, nothing else matters.”