The February meeting of the Jolly Jayhawkers 4-H Club was Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Neosho Valley Event Center in Erie. The kick-off to the meeting was the club’s achievement banquet, which was to recognize the work and efforts of the club from the previous year.
President Reed Hurt called the meeting to order. Ellie Dillinger led the club in the flag salute. Club secretary Owen Coover read the monthly roll call with members answering “Who Do You Want to Win the Super Bowl?” The roll was answered by 19 members, two cloverbuds, two leaders and 11 parents or guests.
Owen read the meeting minutes from the January meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Ellie Dillinger gave the monthly treasurer’s report.
Club leader Rachele Cosby gave the leader’s report that reminded members of upcoming project meetings across the district, Producer Days at K-State and the county fair board work days at the fairgrounds.
Junior reporter Sophia Coover gave the reporter’s report stating that the monthly report had been sent to the paper.
Caysen Cosby gave the 4-H Council report stating that the next council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. March 9. He also informed the club that the fair theme had been announced with the theme of mardi gras.
A committee report reminded members of the upcoming concession stand fundraisers on March 1 amd 2 at the Parsons Sale Barn.
During the new business, the club talked about the Valentine’s bags that the club would be putting together and who would deliver to each location after the meeting.
Caysen Cosby introduced the program for the month. The club program included the club’s achievement banquet honoring all the work and effort of the club from the past year as well as assembling and delivering of the Valentine’s bags to local shut-ins and local nursing homes.
Cole Wolken led the club in happy birthday for the February birthdays for this month’s song. Evan Dillinger led the group in the 4-H pledge to end the meeting.
The next meeting for the Jolly Jayhawkers will be at 4 p.m. March 9 at the Grant Community Center in Stark.
— Braxton Clasen Club reporter